Be kind to yourself. Self compassion entails treating oneself with kindness and care. Like you would treat a dear friend. Kristin Neff, one of the leading self-compassion researchers, has identified 3 main components of self-compassion: self-kindness, feelings of common humanity, and mindfulness. We are so great at caring for others but how much time do you make for yourself. This weeks wellness Wednesday tip is to review what have you done for you lately. List five things you have done this week that would constitute self compassion. Are you struggling to list any? Your goal for this week is to give yourself one complement every day, identify one great thing you have done everyday and mindfully pay attention to the people in your life. Not sure what that last one means? It’s simple, enjoy the company of another person you like being around. Stay in the moment with your favorite co worker, friend or family member.
Do you want to learn more about mindfulness or are you struggling with self care, contact us at Discovering Balance to talk to a therapist. I wish you a week filled with balance and joy.
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