Unhealthy friendships can negatively impact your emotions and overall wellness. When evaluating your friendships you should determine the balance within the relationship. Identify people that say they are friends but don’t back it up with action. Have you ever heard the saying “When people show you who they are believe them.” Your wellness Wednesday tip this month is to evaluate your friendships. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I find myself consistently receiving apologies from friends? Do I holding on to the potential of friendships? Am I frequently disappointed by my friends? Do I put more in my friendship then what I am getting in return? If you answered yes to a few of these questions, you may need to reevaluate your friendships? Be open to the possibility of developing healthy supportive friendships.
Looking for ways to make new friends, check out these articles:
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/friendship-20/201605/10-ways-make-and-keep-friendships-adult I wish you a week filled with balance and joy! If you or anyone you know can benefit from therapeutic support please contact us at: Discovering Balance Phone:716-810-2644 Email: Tadiscoveringbalance@gmail Website: www.discoveringcounseling.com